me and fadhil went to mcd excitedly to get our double prosperity burger from the hot tiket redemption.however, when we asked the mcd crew at the drive tru counter, he said:
mcd crew:hai cik boleh sy ambil pesanan?
me n fadhil: i would like to enquire regarding the double prosperity from hot tiket. could u please explain about it further?
mcd crew: ape die cik?
me n fadhil: ha?
mcd crew: kami minta maaf. tiada offer sebegitu di sini.
me n fadhil: *blur
mcd crew: kami minta maaf cik. kami tidak ada kena mengena dgn hot tiket.
me n fadhil: *blur lg...huh??ok..
so...we continue our story by ordering other menu dlm keadaan yg masih blur...selang beberape saat slps itu...baru kitorg realize...
me: bie!!!double prosperity tu ialah extra rm20 topap for hot tiket 20!!
fadhil: i dah agak dah!!!!
me: i malu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me n fadhil: gelak mcm setan.HAHAHAHA...
p/s: dont be too confident =)
malu nyer dier.....hahahahaha